Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter, sorta

So it's Easter Sunday and the kids are sick! They went the whole winter without any major illness, and then right when spring hits they get slammed. Both have a cough and fever and while Ethan manages to sleep a lot more with this thing, Calvin has found sleep a little difficult. We did an Easter egg hunt on Saturday morning because Ethan seemed to be a little better, but he took a turn for the worse later in the day. He also had a horrible choking incident with the hard shell candy in his egg that had me scared. I really wanted to try the whole candy and basket thing on Saturday this year to let us focus on the Savior for Sunday, but man things did not start well!

By Sunday morning both kids were miserable and had to stay home from church. Good thing I didn't really buy them Easter outfits this year, maybe we'll get some cute pictures next Sunday of them all spruced up. I have to say that I am sooooo lucky to have Travis, he is so great when the kids are sick. He holds them, takes care of them and is so patient. I think they totally prefer daddy when they are sick. We made it to Easter dinner at the folks with the Washington Odom gang, but the boys let us know when the Motrin started to wear off. I did enjoy going to church and listening to the Easter program, it was great. Well there's always next year.

Ethan finds his first egg, trying to look triumphant despite a fever
Looking over the goods, Calvin is a little confused by it all
"There's candy inside these things!"
Wow, yeah, he's sick and trying to consume a chocolate bunny, maybe I get mom of the year award? My mother-in-law told me she could always tell when her kids are sick by their eyes, and boy is she right, just look at those eyes.


Corey and Lisa said...

poor little guy, he doesn't look well! Well hopefully once they are feeling better they will be healthy for when the nice weather comes!!

Reese said...

Oh, the poor things! Hopefully things are getting better this week and you are recouperating on your sleep as well!

The Dillon 6 said...

what a rotten way to spend Easter. I'm so sorry! I hope everyone is up and rarin' to go sooner than later.

Heidi A said...

Poor kids! How miserable to miss out on Easter candy! They are adorable though, and I love the PJ's (Logan has the same ones):)