Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Locked Out

It was a normal Monday for me yesterday. I had tons of laundry to do and other house projects because I fully neglected all of my chores over the weekend, it was too nice of weather! Ethan had gotten home from school and I him on the potty with Calvin nearby. I ran out to the garage to take out a diaper and when I went to get back in the door was locked. I was sure that I didn't lock it on my way out but I could not get it open. I had no shoes on and was not showered as it had been a cleaning day, luckily I had all the proper supports on if you know what I mean. Anyways I ran around the house trying all the doors and it was the one time I was upset that I am a little nuerotic and always lock the doors when I'm home so some man doesn't come in unannouced and start attacking us! I could hear Ethan yelling from the potty and Calvin at the door crying wondering why I wasn't back inside yet. So I ran next door to the neighbor's to use her phone. She was totally helpful and my phone calls brought no help. My mom has a spare key but she was in Idaho, the spare was in her house but I couldn't get ahold of anyone to run up there and get it for me, Travis works 30 miles away and rode the vanpool to work so it wasn't like he could run home to help me, and the 911 operator told me to break a window myself. Okay I know I can break a window I just thought that with the two little ones in the house the fire department would be willing to help me, don't they have cool ways of breaking into homes? Here's the best part, I went to the door with a hammer ready to break the handle when I tried it one more time and it finally gave and opened. The lock was broken, which Travis said he noticed the night before but failed to mention to me, I was happy to not have caused any major damage.

The boys were in one piece, Ethan was still on the potty and Calvin had taken an entire roll of toilet paper and torn it to shreds, at least they were entertained. I had a few realizations in that moment. First, I totally loose my calm very easily and it doesn't help in situations when I need to think straight. Second, I need a spare key hidden around the exterior of my house, I can't rely on others to keep a spare. Third, I need to change our door knobs so that Ethan can open them more easily despite his low muscle tone. In the end I am a little embarassed about how I handled it, but that's me, I tend to freak out way too easily, it's experiences like these that help me to learn that generally things are going to work out just fine.


The Dillon 6 said...

I would have freaked out, too! Glad you were able to get the door open...the hammer to the handle may not have given you much help. ;) Have you seen the toilet at Blonquist's blog? That would have been way worse than some shredded TP... ;)

Corey and Lisa said...

First of all, I am so glad to finally see a new post! Now, let me tell you a little secret. Our dear friend LAURA.....she is not as innocent as you might think. I got locked out of my house...same thing...went into my garage and locked myself out....well I think I was hanging with Laura that day and she was like, just use a credit card...and I was like...ME???? are you kidding? Well I tried and it didn't work so SHE came over and was WAY TOO EASILY able to BREAK INTO MY HOUSE!!! That's right, Laura Mitchell knows how to break into people's homes. That man you are worried will attack you...NO, no....you need to be worrying more about the quiet criminals in our neighbourhood like Laura Mitchell. Consider yourself warned!! (or consider it a useful tip in times like these!!)

Reese said...

Oh you poor thing! I got locked out about six months ago...I think it's a mom initiation thing! :)

Heidi A said...

I'd have panicked myself! Glad you were able to get back in:)